Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Brown/Armstead Feud Dominates Council Meeting

Last night's council meeting erupted into what apparently is an on-going feud between 3rd Ward Councilman Brown and 4th Ward Councilman Armstead.  During the Council report portion of the meeting,  Brown indicated that he wants an "Investigation Committee" to be formed so that council can investigate alleged illegal dumping by another councilman.  It was revealed that the councilman Brown was referring to was Councilman Armstead.  It was further revealed that an investigation was already concluded by the police department.   

The Mayor joined the heated discussion suggesting Brown take the matter up with the Prosecutor's office if he is not satisfied with the results of the police investigation. 

Armstead spoke out alleging that Brown has stated to Armstead that he (Brown) is out to destroy Armstead's life.  Armstead went on to explain why, on occasion, he has delivered trash at the dump.  Armstead further stated that calls have been made on him to the Construction Code Department, Board of Elections and that he was even paid a visit by DYFS.

It's ugly.  Whatever the truth is, it is inappropriate to suggest council members be allowed to investigate other council members. 

In other city business, the Mayor vetoed an ordinance which would have split the Finance and Personnel Committee into two separate Committees.  Having not watched the last two council meetings, I can't shed any light on this matter, but apparently it was back on last night's agenda as a first reading.  Next month the public can question Council on second reading.  Someone emailed me and said the new ordinance would establish more committees without specifying what new committees. 

Councilman Sadowski indicated the County is planning on constructing a state-of-the-art soccer field at Wheeler Park.  Sadowski is concerned about lack of parking.

There was some brouhaha over volunteer appointments to the District Management Corp., which were done unanimously by Council, when resident/City employee J. Bishop accused Council of making the appointments without interviewing the volunteers.  There were some remarks made alluding that J. Bishop is looking to become the Director.  Councilwoman Cosby-Hurling indicated that the process was open to any resident and forms were submitted by those volunteers.  It's unclear to me what Bishop's beef is.

A resident inquired about the status of Purgen as she thought representatives of Purgen would be in attendance.  Council President Moore indicated that because of the amount of city business, Purgen was requested to appear next month and that Moore would like to hold a special meeting for that purpose.

*Update:  typos corrected & update added as to Mayor's vetoed item.


Anonymous said...

The City is facing so many financial problems. I am sad that since Brown was elected, the council worries about non-issues.

They need to know we don't care how much they hate each other. Get to work on next year's budget.

We have serious problems. Certain council members fail to recognize that. The taxpayers see it at the council meetings which are a disgrace. I am embarrassed with what goes on. Besides Fraizer, who at least conducts himself in a professional manner, the rest of them are USELESS.

Anonymous said...

As the Caucus Meeting before the Council meeting was adjourned Councilman Brown referred to Councilman Sheehy as "Simple Jack". Sheehy turned and confronted Mr. Brown about his remark and Mr. Brown pushed his way past Mr. Sheehy. Mr. Sheehy did not think anything of the alleged shove by Brown but the Police Chief bore witness and told Mr. Sheehy he could press charges against Mr. Brown from what he witnesses. If you want to confirm this story you can ask Mr. Sheehy about it yourself.

NFS said...

Council is, imo, DYSFUNCTIONAL. Poor overtaxed taxpayers. If only council members spent as much energy as they do attacking and spying on one another. I have no confidence in our government.