Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Rising Star" of the Democratic Party Pleads Guilty

While campaigning for Peter Cammarano, Former Acting Governor Dick Codey, had this to say of the Ex-Mayor of Hoboken, who was arrested a mere 23 days after taking office:

"Peter is a rising star in the State Democratic Party and an outstanding young leader,"  "He's intelligent, thoughtful and exactly the kind of person we need in government today. I know he'll be an excellent mayor and I urge all of my friends in Hoboken to support him on Tuesday."

Wrong on all accounts Senator.

According to the Star Ledger article, U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman stated: “I think anytime a public official like Peter Cammarano commits a crime like this, it really kind of rips the public trust.”

"Kind of" rips the public trust"? That's a pretty weak characterization of the public's view of these amoral politicians. It disgusts the public is what is does, leaving barely a scintilla of hope that NJ will ever overcome its long-standing culture of corruption.

Star Ledger article here.


Anonymous said...

you have to remember, those in power are not democrats, they are self serving, corrupted bastards that created a system to enrich them, their relatives and friends, the cronies, the hacks, the operatives, the political bosses, the political donators, the politically connected developers, the special interests. As for the regular joes like you and me, we foot the bill for the pot of taxpyer money to be distributed to the. They hijacked the democrat party. Good democrats are awakening all around NJ and hopefully will cleanse our NJ democrat party in the next few years.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how much time this morally challenged attorney finally gets.... (Whatever it is, I am sure that had you or I done the same thing, our sentence would be considerably more....)

Wonder if he'll get disbarred?

NFS said...

I think he'll be disbarred. For now, he gets a place on the Wall of Shame.