Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lawyer Mockumentary

Lawyers get a bad rap, a lot of it well deserved.  Here in Linden, we have four part-time attorneys on handsome salaries and accumulating pension benefits, benefits which aren't even being funded because that's how unaffordable they've become.  It's highly doubtful that those same attorneys offer those same benefits to their employees at their own law firms, but, incredibly, the taxpayers are on the hook for these lawyers' full time benefits for part time work. Kologi assures us it's a bargain though.  Poor overtaxed taxpayers.

Linden is embroiled in all types of litigation, even being sued by the wife of one of our very own attorneys.  A good lawyer is not only suppose to advise his clients, but he should do his best to keep his clients insulated from lawsuits.  Bad lawyering, bad governing or both?  Whatever the answer, the taxpayers pick up the hefty tabs.

Who can resist a good lawyer story? This particular lawyer take a novel approach to peeling back the lid off the worm can for a revealing look into one NJ law firm here in a blog he describes as a Mock U Mentary  I post it for entertainment value only, although the issue of free speech and other issues associated with this story are worthy of following.  It's also a human interest story as well.  Employers need to be mindful on how they treat their employees.

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