Thursday, April 22, 2010

Freeholders Lower Spending and Cut Budget

Too bad overtaxed taxpayers, this is not happening in Union County.  Last year, Linden was hit with a 13% tax increase by the all-democrat Union County Freeholder Board.  Who knows what it will be this year. 

There is no incentive for the Union County Freeholders to make significant cuts because the voters put the same tax-hikers back into office every year. 

The Salem County Board of Freeholders is made up of both Democrats and Republicans.  Interesting.

See story here.


NFS said...

To the person who asked that a certain attorney be listed on the Wall of Shame, I would love to, but I only list persons who have either pleaded guilty or who have been convicted of a crime.

Anonymous said...

wel, then that should take care of being able to list them all in the next 10 years. We'll just have to wait.